Making fishes maturity stage easy

Most policies for the industrial fish fisheries are based on principles such as average length of first maturation, seasons of reproduction and recruitment, among others. These principles are mainly based on the information on fish maturity stages. However, this information is difficult, laborious and very costly. Even when trying to estimate without more in-depth techniques (such as histology), errors of up to 70% can be seen in classifications, which can lead to important errors in interpreting the ecology of the fishery resource. Thus, we propose to create an app that, through the camera of any cell phone, can obtain more reliable and faster information, in order to help preserve fish stocks. The creation of this app could be considered as a great and important research, so we can get subsidies with fishing foundations and/or universities, which would provide us with both the space and the necessary equipment for the analyses.
Problema que resuelve su propuesta
My proposal could positively affect all public policy of fisheries in the world, especially in places where there is little information about the species (Data limited fisheries). however, i would start by implementing the app with the most important resource in southeast-south Brazil, the sardine Sardinella brasiliensis. With my project, the policy basis of the fish fisheries, biological information of the stage of maturity, would be much more reliable, easier and cheaper to acquire. This would solve the problem where there is a lack of experts and/or money to focus on studying the ecology and overfishing of fish stocks.
¿Qué impacto positivo tiene o tendría su propuesta en su comunidad? Cuáles son las mejoras concretas ambientales o sociales
Well-founded public policies for fisheries, leading to correct interpretations of the ecology and overexploitation of fish stocks.
¿Por qué te interesa involucrarte con problemáticas que afectan al ambiente y/o a los océanos?
As an oceanographer, I've always been interested in the oceans and their preservation. In particular, marine fauna and ecology are fascinating to me. Nothing would bring me greater accomplishment than carrying out a project to solve a real ocean problem (overfishing).
Principal ODS con el que se vincula tu propuesta
ODS 11: Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis

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positiva para el mundo?

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Hello Leandro! My name is Lucía and I will be your mentor on this first stage. If you prefer our exchanges in portuguese please let me know, I speak portuguese too. Now, I am going to give you some comments and questions for you to think, and modify your proposal. (1) Do you have a plan on how to disseminate these informations you will collect? If so, it would be a good idea to put it on the proposal. (2) I say that you want to benefit all the fisheries in the world, but I would suggest you specify an initial target audience and specify you have intentions to expand abroad. (3) If you have an idea on how you will manage to collect the needed funds to make your project sustainable during a period of time, is always good to put it on the proposal. For now, I leave you with this comments so you can think and enrich your proposal. Do not hesitate if you have any questions. We stay in touch!!
hace 3 años
I wrote in English because I believe that this way my proposal can reach more international readers. Do you think I should write in Portuguese (I'm Brazilian)? About your questions (1) I'm not sure I understand your question. The dissemination of information would be through scientific studies . (2 and 3) I have written a short paragraph about your questions. see what you think. Thanks for all the help.
hace 3 años
Oi Leandro, tudo bem? Eu falava que si você gostaria de fazer nossa troca em português, acho que a proposta em inglês está bem. Não tem problema. Na pergunta (1) o que eu quis dizer é, depois de ter coletado essas informações, como você vai fazer para comunica-las com o público geral? Como vai fazer para que todas as pessoas tenham aceso a essas informações? Redes sociais? Ou vão coletar a informação na app e logo publicar os resultados na mesma app?. Acho que os paragrafos (2) e (3) achei bom!!
hace 3 años